Businesses are collecting, storing, and analyzing more data than ever. However, not all data is created equal. Some data, like sensitive user data, is special and requires better protection than other data.
In this webinar, we will discuss how leading companies like Netflix and Apple secure and protect sensitive data through a zero-trust data privacy vault. We will introduce and demo Skyflow, a data privacy vault delivered as an API and answer live questions.

Sean Falconer is Head of Developer Relations and Marketing at Skyflow. Sean spends his time building, writing, speaking, and connecting with communities about engineering and data privacy. He has a wide range of interests and expertise, including full stack development, developer experience, and API design. Prior to Skyflow, Sean led developer relations for Google’s Business Communications product suite and was CTO and founder of a startup focused on mobile hiring tools. You can connect with Sean on Twitter @seanfalconer.